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A Sabanci University based social psychology lab.


About Us

The GrouPsy Lab, led by Prof. Dr. ÇiÄŸdem BaÄŸcı, is a social psychology research lab at Sabancı University. Our research interests include but are not limited to phenomena within intergroup relationships, such as stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, intergroup contact, and collective action.

Many of our research focuses on the intersection of 'hot topics' with social psychology and political psychology.


Through cutting-edge research, our lab aims to deepen understanding of these critical social issues and contribute to the development of interventions that promote healthy cross-group communication and foster intergroup harmony.

Ongoing Projects

TUBITAK Project # 3501 

The longitudinal study of direct and indirect contact with Syrian children, psychological and academic well-being and outgroup attitudes

Latest Publications

Through two correlational studies, we investigated how national group members’ contact with refugees (Turkey, N = 315) and immigrants (UK, N = 384) is associated with a more deprovincialized view of the world through secure versus defensive national group evaluation (i.e., ingroup satisfaction and collective narcissism, respectively). We expected that when both forms of ingroup evaluation are considered, contact-deprovincialization path would be mediated only through lower collective narcissism, but not necessarily through lower ingroup satisfaction. Findings demonstrated that in both contexts, only collective narcissism consistently and strongly mediated the links between intergroup contact (quality) and both cultural and group deprovincialization. Contact was also associated with lower ingroup satisfaction, but less strongly and only in the Turkish context. The importance of distinguishing between secure and defensive forms of ingroup evaluation when studying the deprovincializing role of intergroup contact is highlighted.

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