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Journal Articles

​(* undergraduate and graduate students)

  1. Bagci, S. C., Rutland, A., Blumberg, H., Kumashiro, M., Smith, P. K., & Blumberg, H. (2014). Are minority status children’s cross-ethnic friendships beneficial in a multiethnic context? British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 32, 107-115. DOI: 10.1111/bjdp.12028.

  2. Bagci, S. C., Kumashiro, M., Smith, P. K., Blumberg, H. & Rutland, A. (2014). Cross-ethnic friendships, are they really rare? Evidence from multiethnic secondary schools in London. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 41, 125-137. DOI:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2014.04.001.

  3. Bagci, S. C., Kumashiro, M., Rutland, A., Smith, P. K., & Blumberg, H. (2017). Cross-ethnic friendships, psychological well-being, and academic outcomes: Study of South Asian and White children in the UK. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14, 190-205. DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2016.1185008.

  4. Bagci, S. C., Çelebi, E. & Karaköse*, S. (2017). Discrimination towards ethnic minorities: How does it relate to majority group members' outgroup attitudes and support for multiculturalism? Social Justice Research, 30, 1-22. DOI: 10.1007/s11211-017-0281-6.

  5. Bagci, S. C. & Çelebi, E. (2017). Etnik ve ulusal kimlikler ile dışgrup tutumları iliÅŸkisinde çatışma algısı ve dışgruba sorumluluk yükleme [Ethnic and national identities: Links to outgroup attitudes via attribution of responsibility and perceived interethnic conflict]. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 32, 63-74.

  6. Çelebi, E., Verkuyten, M., & Bagci, S. C. (2017). Ethnic identification, discrimination and mental and physical health among Syrian refugees: The moderating role of identity motives. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 832-843. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2299.

  7. Bagci, S. C., & Çelebi, E. (2017). Cross-group friendships and outgroup attitudes among Turkish-Kurdish ethnic groups: Does perceived interethnic conflict moderate the friendship-attitude link? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47, 59-73. DOI:10.1111/jasp.12413.

  8. Bagci, S. C., & Çelebi, E. (2017). Gruplararası temas ve çatışma ile dışgrup tutumlar ve çokkültürlülüÄŸe destek iliÅŸkisinde algılanan tehdit ve gruplararası kaygının aracı rolü [Effects of intergroup contact and conflict on attitudes and multiculturalism: The mediating role of intergroup threat and anxiety]. Turkish Psychological Articles, 20, 3-18.

  9. Bagci, S. C. (2017). Lise öÄŸrencilerinde akademik ve üniversite sınavına yönelik öz-yeterliÄŸi yordayan faktörler [Predictors of academic and university entrance exam self-efficacy beliefs among highschool students]. Journal of Human and Social Sciences Research, 6, 129-151.

  10. Bagci, S. C. (2018). Does everyone benefit equally from self-efficacy beliefs? Academic self-efficacy and the moderating role of perceived social support on motivation. Journal of Early Adolescence, 38, 204-219. DOI: 10.1177/0272431616665213.

  11. Bagci, S. C., Piyale*, Z. E., Bircek*, N. I., & Ebcim*, E. (2018). Think beyond contact: Reformulating imagined contact theory by adding friendship potential. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 21, 1034-1052. DOI: 10.1177/1368430217690237.

  12. Bagci, S. C. & Çelebi, E. (2018). Are your cross-ethnic friends ethnic and/or national group identifiers? The role of own and perceived cross-ethnic friend’s identities on outgroup attitudes and multiculturalism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 36-50. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2278.

  13. Bagci, S. C., Piyale*, Z. E., & Ebcim*, E. (2018). Imagined contact in high conflict settings: The role of ethnic group identification and the perspective of minority group members. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 3-14. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12485.

  14. Bagci, S. C., Turnuklu, A., & Bekmezci*, E. (2018). The buffering role of ingroup identification and intergroup contact on the association between perceived discrimination and mental health. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 28, 293-305. DOI: 10.1002/casp.2357.

  15. Bagci, S. C. (2018). Akademik öz-yeterlik arttırma: Erken ergenler arasında uygulanmış bir müdahale programının etkinliÄŸi [Promoting academic self-efficacy: An intervention strategy to enhance positive outcomes among early adolescents]. Hacettepe EÄŸitim Fakültesi Dergisi. DOI: 10.16986/HUJE.2018040665.

  16. Bagci, S. C. & Gürler*, C. N. (2018). Yabancı öÄŸrencilere karşı tutum ve davranışsal eÄŸilimler: Ulusal kimlikler ve sosyal baskınlık yöneliminin yordayıcı rolü [Attitudes and behavioral tendencies towards foreign students: The predictive role of national identity and social dominance orientation], Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 17, 1167-1180. DOI: 10.17755/esosder.328215.

  17. Bagci, S. C., Turnuklu, A. & Bekmezci*, E. (2018). Cross-group friendships and psychological well-being: A dual pathway through social integration and empowerment. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57, 773-792. DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12267.

  18. Bagci, S. C., Piyale*, Z. E., Karakose*, S., & Sen*, E. (2018). Collective victimhood beliefs among majority and minority groups: Links to ingroup and outgroup attitudes and attribution of responsibility for conflict. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 66, 95-107. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2018.05.003.

  19. Bagci, S. C. & Turnuklu, A. (2019). Intended, unintended, and unknown consequences of contact: The role of positive-negative contact on outgroup attitudes, collective action tendencies, and psychological well-being. Social Psychology, 50, 7-23. DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000355.

  20. Bagci, S. C. & Gungor*, H. (2019). The role of perceived positive and negative parental contact on children’s intergroup contact experiences. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 69, 76-86. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2019.01.002.

  21. Bagci, S. C., Stathi, S., & Piyale*, E. (2019). Imagined contact facilitates acculturation, sometimes: Contradicting evidence from two socio-cultural settings. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25, 539-552. DOI: 10.1037/cdp0000256.

  22. Bagci, S. C., Piyale*, Z. E., Åžen*, E., & Yildirim*, O. (2019). Beyond shifting intergroup attitudes: Intergroup contact’s association with socio-cognitive skills and group-based ideologies. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 3, 176-188. DOI: 10.1002/jts5.45.

  23. Bagci, S. C., Stathi, S., & Piyale*, Z. E. (2019). When imagining intergroup contact mobilizes for collective action: Evidence from ethnic Turks and Kurds in Turkey. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 69, 32-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2018.12.003.

  24. Bagci, S. C., & Canpolat*, E. (2019). Gruplararası temas ve psikolojik iyi oluÅŸ arasındaki iliÅŸkiler: Suriyeli göçmenler örneÄŸi, Nesne, 7, 149-169. DOI: 10.7816/nesne-07-15-01.

  25. Bagci, S. C. & Olgun*, S. (2019). A social identity needs perspective to veg*nism: Associations between perceived discrimination and well-being among veg*ns in Turkey. Appetite, 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.104441.

  26. Bagci, S. C. & Canpolat*, E. (2020). Group efficacy as a moderator on the associations between perceived discrimination, acculturation orientations and well-being. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 45-58. DOI: 10.1002/casp.2421.

  27. Bagci, S. C., Cameron, L., Turner, R., Morais, C., Carby*, A., & Leney* A., & Ndhlovu*, M. (2020). ‘Cross-ethnic friendship self-efficacy’: A new predictor of cross-ethnic friendships among children. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 23, 1049-1065. DOI: 10.1177/1368430219879219.

  28. Bagci, S. C., Turnuklu, A., & Tercan, M. (2020). Positive intergroup contact decreases the likelihood that prejudicial attitudes become avoidant behavioral tendencies. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 597-613. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2646.

  29. Leander, N. P., Psycorona Collaboration (2020). Towards a Globally Collaborative Behavioral Science: An Organizational Approach from Pandemic Psychology. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 44, 2-5.

  30. Bagci, S. C. & Blazhenkova, O. (2020). Unjudge Someone: Human Library as a new tool to reduce prejudice. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 42, 413-431. DOI: 10.1080/01973533.2020.1792298.

  31. Bagci, S. C., Verkuyten, M., Turnuklu, A., Piyale*, Z. E., Bekmezci*, E. (2020). Being discriminated and being tolerated: Threatened social identity needs and well-being. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 1463-1477. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2699.

  32. Bagci, S. C., & Husnu, S. (2020). Ä°çgrup kimlikle özdeÅŸleÅŸmenin dışgrup tutumlar ve davranışsal eÄŸilimler üzerinde etkisi: Türkiye ve Kıbrıs örneÄŸi [The effect of ingroup identification on outgroup attitudes and behavioral tendencies: Examples of Turkey and Cyprus]. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 35, 133-148.

  33. Bagci, S. C., Stathi, S., Vezzali, L., Turnuklu, A., & Piyale*, Z. E. (2021). ‘I (dis)like the way you (dis)like them’: Extended contact and ingroup attitudes and behaviors. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60, 95-120. DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12381.

  34. Jin, S., Balliet, D., Romano, A., Spadaro, G., van Lissa, C. J., Agostini, M., ... & PsyCorona Collaboration. (2021). Intergenerational conflicts of interest and prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 110535. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110535.

  35. Bagci, S. C., Husnu, S., Turnuklu, A. & Tercan, M. (2021). Do I really want to engage in contact? Volition as a new dimension of intergroup contact. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 269-284. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2733.

  36. Han, Q., Zheng, B., Cristea, M., Agostini, M., Belanger, J., Gutzkow, B., ... & Leander, P. (2021). Trust in government and its associations with health behaviour and prosocial behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Medicine, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S0033291721001306

  37. Bagci, S. C., Guvensoy*, I., Turner, R., White, F., & Piyale, Z. E. (2021). Investigating the role of E-contact and self-disclosure on improving Turkish-Kurdish interethnic relations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51, 577-593. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12760.

  38. Nisa, C. F., Belanger, J., Schumpe, B. M., Sasin, E., Bagci, S. C., ..& Leander, P. (2021). Lives versus Livelihoods? Perceived economic risk has a stronger association with support for COVID-19 preventive measures than perceived health risk. Scientific reports, 11, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-88314-4.

  39. Troian, J. & Bagci, S. C. (2021). Perception of COVID-19 threat and attitudes towards immigrants: A dual pathway through immigrant threat and common ingroup identification. International Review of Social Psychology, 34, 1-15. DOI: 10.5334/irsp.469.

  40. Stroebe, W., vanDellen, M. R., …Leander, N. P. (2021). Politicization of COVID-19 Health-Protective Behaviors in the United States: Longitudinal and Cross-National Evidence. Plos One. 16(10), e0256740. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0256740

  41. Bagci, S. C., Piyale*, Z. E., Karaköse*, S., & Åžen*, E. (2021). Rekabetçi maÄŸduriyet algısını yordamada gruplararası temas, dışgrubun bakışaçısını alma, ve içgrupla özdeÅŸimin rolü [The role of intergroup contact, outgroup perspective-taking and ingroup identification on competitive victimhood beliefs]. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 37, 57-71. DOI: 10.31828/tpd1300443320191203m000034

  42. Van Breen, J., …Bagci, S.C. (2022). Lockdown Lives: A longitudinal study of inter-relationships amongst feelings of loneliness, social contacts and solidarity during the COVID-19 lockdown in early 2020. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48, 1315-1330. DOI: 10.1177/01461672211036602.

  43. Bagci., S. C., Rosenfeld, D., & Uslu*, D. (2022). Identifying potential determinants of intergroup attitudes between vegetarians and meat-eaters. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 25, 1223-1247 DOI: 10.1177/13684302211012768.

  44. Bagci, S. C., Stathi, S., & Golec De Zavala, A. (2021, online first). Social identity threat across group status: Links to psychological well-being and intergroup bias through collective narcissism and ingroup satisfaction. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. DOI: 10.1037/cdp0000509.

  45. Bagci, S. C., Acar*, B., Eryuksel*, E., & Ustun*, E. G. (2022). Collective narcissism and ingroup satisfaction in relation to collective action tendencies: The case of LGBTI individuals in Turkey. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 29, 23-38. DOI: 10.4473/TPM29.1.3.

  46. Resta, E., Mula, S., Baldner, C., ..Bagci, S. C....(2022). ‘We are all in the same boat’: How societal discontent affects intention to help during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 332-347. DOI: 10.1002/casp.2572

  47. Aydin, E., Bagci, S. C., & Kelesoglu*, I. (2022). Love for the globe but also the country matter for the environment: Links between nationalistic, patriotic, and global identification and pro-environmentalism. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 80, 101755. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101755.

  48. Mula, S., Di Santo, D., Resta, E.,…Bagci, S. C.,…Leander, P. (2022). Concern with Covid-19 pandemic threat and attitudes towards immigrants: The mediating effect of the desire for tightness. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 3, 100028. DOI: 10.1016/j.cresp.2021.100028.

  49. Erol, M., Özbay, C., Bagci, S. C. & Ozkaplan, N. (2022). Gender, Cultures of Intimacy, and Digital Sexual Democracy among Youth in Turkey. Turkish Studies. DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2022.2085095

  50. Enea, V., Eisenbeck, N.,…Bagci, S. C.,..(2022). Intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19: The role of prosociality and conspiracy beliefs across 20 Countries. Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2021.2018179.

  51. Bagci, S. C., Verkuyten, M., & Canpolat*, E. (2022). When they want to take your ownership rights away: Implications of collective ownership threat for intergroup relationships. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. DOI: 10.1177/13684302221084232

  52. Schumpe, Psycorona, et al. (2022). Predictors of adherence to public health behaviors for fighting Covid-19 derived from longitudinal data. Scientific Reports

  53. Bagci, S. C., Baysu, G., Tercan, M., & Turnuklu, A. (2022). Positive intergroup contact as a buffer against increasing outgroup hostility: Longitudinal evidence from Turkish native children’s contact experiences with Syrian refugees. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. DOI: 10.1177/01461672221110325.

  54. Keng, S. et al. (2022). COVID-19 stressors and health behaviors: A multilevel longitudinal study across 86 countries. Preventive Medicine Reports. 27, 101764. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101764.

  55. Zuniga, C. et al. (under review). Pathways to a prosocial response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Emotions, financial stress, well-being and collective disempowerment. 

  56. Bagci, S. C., Turnuklu, A., Tercan, M., Turner, R., & Cameron, L. (2022). Have some confidence in contact: Self-efficacy beliefs moderate the role of contact opportunities on children’s outgroup attitudes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12929.

  57. Reitsema, A. M., PsyCorona (2022). Age differences in hedonic adaptation to societal restrictions? Positive and negative affect trajectories during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in 33 nations. Emotions.

  58. Han, Q., PsyCorona (2022). Impact of National Pandemic Lockdowns on Perceived Threat of Immigrants: A Natural Quasi-Experiment Across 23 Countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science. DOI: 10.1177/19485506221127487.

  59. Bagci, S.C., Yalcin*, F. T., Turnuklu, A., Vezzali, L., Tercan, M., & Yilmaz*, A. D. (2022). Looking for your cross-group friends after the breakout? Children’s intergroup contact behaviors before and after the onset of COVID-19. British Journal Of Social Psychology, 00, 1-14. DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12616

In-Progress Research Articles


  1. Stathi, S., Hall, V., Bagci, S. C., & Pavetich, M. (under review). The Role of Digital and Face-To-Face Intergroup Contact on Social Well-Being: Links with Diversity Attitudes, Social Self-Efficacy, Self-Expansion and Loneliness. 

  2. Acar*, B., Bagci, S. C., & Verkuyten, M. (under review). ‘Tolerating minority group members’: Its understanding and contextuality from the eyes of majority group members. 

  3. Bagci, S. C., Rosenfeld, D., Unal*, F. I., Hasserbetci*, S., & Sahin*, M. (under review). Dietary motivations among vegans and vegetarians in Turkey: Links to collective and personal self-esteem. 

  4. Bagci, S. C., Turner, R., Cameron, L., & Piyale*, Z. E. (in preparation). ‘I believe, therefore I can’: Effects of self-efficacy on cross-group interactions.

  5. Çoksan, S. & Yılmaz, A. D. (under review). Focusing on Fake News' Contents During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Association Between Ingroup Identification, Perceived Outgroup Threat, Analytical - Intuitive Thinking and Fake News Detections Among a Representative Non-Weird Sample. 

Books and Book Chapters


  1. Bagci, S. C. (in preparation). Yanlızca temas et: Dünden bugüne gruplararası temas kuramı.

Book Chapters

  1. Akcinar, B. & Bagci, S. C. (2017). The mediating role of coping abilities on the association between parental self-efficacy and parenting behaviors. In Arapgirlioğlu, H., Atik, A., Elliott, R. L. & Turgeon, E. (Eds.) Researches on Science and Art in 21st Century Turkey. Istanbul: Gece Kitaplığı.

  2. Bagci, S. C. & Birinci*, B. (2017). Religious and national identity levels predicting subtle and blatant prejudice towards Syrian refugees: Empathy and perspective-taking as mediators. In Arapgirlioğlu, H., Atik, A., Elliott, R. L. & Turgeon, E. (Eds.) Researches on Science and Art in 21st Century Turkey. Istanbul: Gece Kitaplığı.

  3. Bagci, S. C. (2019). Immigrant status effects. In Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent. Wiley-Blackwell.

  4. Bagci, S. C. & Rutland, A. (2020). Ethnic majority and minority youth in multicultural societies. In Titzmann, P. F. & Juggert, P. (Eds.) Youth in multicultural societies: New directions for future research and interventions (p. 177-195). Routledge.

  5. Bagci, S. C. & Turnuklu, A. (2020). Gruplararası temas kuramı ve okul uygulamaları. In DoÄŸan, A. & KaÄŸnıcı, D. Y. (Eds) Göçmen çocuk ve ergenler: KültürleÅŸme, uyum ve eÄŸitim (pp. 161-181). Nobel Yayınevi.

  6. Bagci, S. C., Turner, R., & Cameron, L. (2021). Cross-group friendships: Predictors and implications for intergroup relations and beyond. In Altmann, T. (Ed.) Friendship in cultural and and personality psychology: An international perspective (pp. 57-93). Nova Science Publishers: New York.  

  7. Bagci, S. C. (2022). Acculturation and Children's Social Development in Europe: Recent Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Findings. In Smith, P. K. & Craig, H. H. (Eds.) Handbook of Childhood Social Development, third edition. Wiley-Blackwell.

  8. Bagci, S. C., Stathi, S., & Acar*, B. (2022). Intergroup contact in Turkey: Challenges, opportunities, and application among majority and minority status groups. In Cakal, H. & Husnu, S. (Eds.) Examining Complex Intergroup Relations: Through the Lens of Turkey, Routledge.

  9. Bagci, S. C. & Piyale*, Z. E. (accepted). Ahlak ve Gruplararası Ä°liÅŸkiler. In Yilmaz, O. (Ed.). Ahlakın “Yeni” SoykütüÄŸü: Psikolojik ve Evrimsel bir Bakış.

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